Do work that maters.
Katie Burkhart Portrait

from the founder

I hate wasting time. My goal is to make the most of yours.


My first job left me guarding an empty pool and watching the clock tick my life away.

I didn’t want to live like that.

I learned to value my time because I don't get it back. I now actively choose where to invest my time and I have a reason for everything I do.

I thought businesses would work the same way.

I was wrong.

I found that teams struggled to make deliberate choices. Something new would come along and people felt compelled to dive into it regardless of its relevance or their capacity. A board member would fall in love with a program and keep it long past its usefulness. People got so wrapped up in producing, they lost sight of the outcome.

Many leaders would get frustrated and try to reset by rebranding. Eventually, they’d end up in the same place spinning their wheels.

Why? Well, we still operate under old assumptions about work. These assumptions wrench new approaches back to the old form — even when we want to do work differently.

I created MatterLogic™, the only end-to-end system for running a business in the value economy so you can transform the way you do work.

I strive to make “What’s the point?” the key question you ask. To make saying no the way we get more done. To make value our focus.

Because your time matters.